
Why Choose Us

We believe in giving you the best services in this industry. We offer “TAILOR MADE” solutions as per your requirements you can select our services from the following:


  • We follow aggressive sales strategy i.e. focused and interested in potential buyers.
  • We are competitive and still retain a friendly demeanor.
  • We engage aggressive salespeople who required to demonstrate a sense of trustworthiness and compassion.


  • We give more importance to our customers. Single telephonic inquiries, till we convert the sales lead or not, we have many customers who bring references for our projects whether those customers has booked flat with us or not.
  • WE AS MARKETING AND SALES COMPANY HAVE ONE EYE ON PROFITS AND THE OTHER EYE ON HOW BEST TO SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS. We as a company have learnt that profit and market share are the product of listening to customers and acting upon their needs, When a customer receives good service, he or she tells 9 to 12 people on average.
  • We found that the customer interactions were faster and more efficient when we provide better service, took the time to establish a relationship and create a rapport with the customer.

WHEN A CUSTOMER RECEIVES GOOD SERVICE, HE OR SHE TELLS 9 TO 12 PEOPLE ON AVERAGE. Good mouth publicity, word of mouth gives more prospective buyers & helps us to sell more units.

Our efficient tele-caller and collection team ensures regular and on time collections.

Without payment a business cannot survive. For this reason, the collection department in any business is one of its most valuable assets.
Keep in mind, the quicker we can recover your receivables, the faster you can cultivate it in the pursuit of additional profits.

Here are several ways our collections team add value to your company and bring better results:

  • On time Demand Letter
  • Follow up with banker for sanction letter & quick loan amount disbursement
  • Send clear, easy-to-understand letters
  • Simplify the Payment Process
  • Establish good relationships with our clients
  • Send timely payment reminders
  • Assist clients who are struggling to pay



  • We believe that the BEST MARKETING STRATEGIES for a project, is one that will sell what you offer to your customer.
  • The most important thing in planning, marketing actions is that we can think of low-cost and high-impact STRATEGIES THAT ARE CREATIVE AND REALLY FOCUSED ON YOUR BUSINESS’ PERSONA.
  • We strive for a well-defined and implemented marketing strategy which is ideal for growth and promotion in the most varied ways possible. This is because it is from these strategies that you can get more people to know your brand and thus, attract more customers.
  • We make sure that the expected results for each action are positive, and mainly, to ensure that the necessary adjustments are made. THE SUCCESS OF ANY STRATEGY DEPENDS ON HOW IT’S IMPLEMENTED AND CARRIED OUT.
  • We believe that more specific your actions are to your niche, the greater your chances of attracting customers.
  • Your business would be advertised in various forms, online and offline.
  • This allows more people to get to know the brand and therefore, can attract more clients.
  • We believe that more people hear about your products or services, the higher the odds your profit will increase.
  • We ensure that we show people what you have to offer and more than that, to make them realize they have an actual need for your product.
  • We with our experience BRING OUT USP OF PROJECT in such a way, where your project creates a good position in the market, and ATTRACTS MORE CUSTOMERS,, which gives MORE FOOT FALLS, MORE MOUTH PUBLICITY, AND MORE SALES.
  • We ensure that advertising need is achieved using various media like television, newspapers, radio, hoarding, banners, pamphlets, online, blog, websites etc.
  • Each ADVERTISING media has its own pros and cons, costs & duration, conversion ratio we expect from them, which WE EVALUATE FOR EACH PROJECT BEFORE SELECTING A PARTICULAR MEDIA. The main thing that needs to be considered is that the advertising medium selected must be able to reach a large number of actual target customers with minimum cost.
    We do deep market research of the target audience and the needs of the target audience. We also analyze the competition present in the market to know how the proposed advertising campaign will do in the market. This is done to know how the project will be able to stand in the competition.
    Once the customers and competition analysis done, then we go ahead with the advertising campaign and initiate to select the advertising media. We study the benefits and drawbacks of all the available media like television, radio, newspaper, internet etc. On the basis of their comparison, we select the media which they feel will do justice to the advertising campaign.
    We as a Marketing Consultant then perform a cost benefit analysis. This analysis is performed for two reasons. The first is to decide whether the advertising campaign will benefit the business in the sense that would help it to earn good business turnaround. If yes, then advertising agency starts with an advertising campaign. The other reason why a cost benefit analysis is done is to check whether the cost of promoting a product or service using a particular advertising media justifies the benefits it reaps. This is done to make sure that advertising using a particular media benefits the business by helping it get more customers and thus high business turnaround.
    We then decide about how the message will be conveyed to the target audience. Once all aspects are looked into, we as Marketing Consultant at the advertising agency proceed with the creation of the advertisement. For this, we take help of experts at the advertising agency or seek the help of professionals from outside. In either case, the end result is the creation of an attractive and appealing advertisement by the advertising agency.